An online permaculture course will be led by Gaye Amus for kindergarten and primary teachers, parents, permaculture practitioners and those who would like to engage children in all aspects of permaculture. Participants will be learning about a child-centred, sustainable and regenerative education.
Tarjolla on Gaye Amuksen pitämä johdatus verkkokurssi permakulttuurin periaatteiden mukaan suunniteltujen piha-alueiden sekä ympäristön hyödyntämisestä oppimisessa. Kurssin tarkoituksena on inspiroida ulkona oppimisen parissa toimivia ja niistä kiinnostuneita opettajia,vanhempia ja kasvattajia sekä jakaa tietoa sen monista mahdollisuuksista lasten kanssa toimiville.
During the course participants will;
Find out how permaculture ethics and principles can be applied to education.
Discover some great benefits of outdoor learning, including relevant research, and learn how to create session plans which engage the whole child: eyes, heart, hands and head, through active participation in a session learning about soil.
Look at different garden designs in school gardens and get involved in practical activity.
Learn about the different activities that they can do with children and, more importantly, think about how the way they approach the child can enable them to think of infinite possible activities.
This 12 hour training course is the product of the three year European ‘Children in Permaculture’ project in which best practice has been shared across the continent from Finland to Italy, Scotland to Romania:
“The future of our planet depends on a change of consciousness, in which the people and the resources of the natural world are no longer taken for granted and exploited without considering long term impacts. Supporting children from early childhood to develop a sensitive, compassionate and cooperative relationship with each other and the natural world is a crucial step in generating this new consciousness” (p. 1, The Children in Permaculture Manual; Alderslowe, Amus & Deshaies, 2018).
Knowledge of how permaculture can help you in your work with children.
A toolbox of ways to engage children in permaculture using a holistic, creative approach which involves children in the whole process as a partner in their learning.
Unique ideas about how to creatively design a playground/children’s garden to maximise the benefits of outdoor learning for children.
Understanding of the basics about permaculture ethics, principles and design and how they can be useful in education.
Familiarity of the CiP resources including the case studies, film and manual.
Experience of examples in good practice and inspirational stories which will excite and encourage you to use CiP materials and to embed permaculture into your school/ curriculum/ garden etc.
Inspiration to take children outdoors for experiential learning.
Opportunity to meet other people who are interested in engaging children in permaculture
Get aquainted with the book Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in Education: The Children in Permaculture Manual by Alderslowe, Amus and Deshaies, 2018.
People working with children aged 3-12 years, such as school, nursery and kindergarten teachers, as well as those working in non-formal settings such as after-school or out-of-school club leaders (e.g. scout leaders), parents (whether natural, foster, adoptive or grandparents) and others who are aware of the importance of their role in children’s education.
26-27-28 March 2021, 16:30-20:30 Finnish time (15.30-19.30 CET) , Online
Times below given for Finnish (Helsinki) timezone. To find what time it will be in your timezone click here:
Day 1: 16:30 to 20:30 Friday 26th March 2021. With 30 min break, with tasks which can be done before the next session with/without children.
Day 2: 16:30 to 20:30 Saturday 27th March 2021. With 30 min break, with tasks which can be done before the next session with/without children.
Day 3: 16:30 to 20:30 Sunday 28th March 2021 . With 30 min break
175 euros inc. VAT*
*Course fee includes certificate.
Two participants are offered a 50% discount. The link for scholarship application can be found here . Application deadline for scholarship is 26th February.
Gaye Amus is an environmental educator specialized in early childhood education and is based in Helsinki, Finland. She has had 12 year’s experience working in kindergartens including a Rain or Shine nature kindergarten in Finland. Founder of Learning In Nature, she is currently training educators internationally, contributing in conferences, giving seminars and consultation in nature pedagogy and outdoor education. Gaye initiated the nature movement for kindergartens and primary schools in Turkey with Forest Schools and Forest Kindergarten Leader trainings. She pioneered and co-founded the Children in Permaculture project. She is the co-author of the book Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in Education: The Children in Permaculture Manual.
Kurssin sisältö:
Children in Permaculture- kokonaisvaltainen ja lapsikeskeinen lähestymistapa joka edistää huolenpito maasta, huolenpito ihmisistä ja ylijäämän tasajako.
Ulkoluokka-toiminnan hyödylliset vaikutukset lasten oppimiseen
Ulkona oppimisen ympäristojen mahdollisuudet sekä inspiroivia esimerkkejä (mm ääni- ja aistipuutarhat jne.)
Kuinka tehdä tavallisista lastentarhan/koulun pihoista tutkimisen ja tutkiskelun tiloja
Suunniteltujen ulkona oppimisen- ymparistöjen kytkeminen opetussuunnitelmaan
Koulun kokonaisvaltaisen lähestymistavan kehittäminen ulkona oppimista hyödyntäen
Koulu tai päiväkotipuutarhan perustaminen ja ylläpito permakulttuurin periaatteiden mukaisesti
Esimerkkejä australialaisista sekä skotlantilaisesta koulupuutarhoista.
Käytännön työpajoja
Kenelle kurssi sopii?
Kurssin sisällöstä voivat ammentaa uusia menetelmia ja inspiraatiota niin lastentarhojen työntekijat, opettajat, ymparistökasvattajat kuin muutkin kasvatus- ja sosiaalialan toimijat, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita ulkona oppimisesta ja kokonaisvaltaisen lähestymistavan tuomisesta lasten oppimisympäristöihin. Kurssille osallistuminen ei vaadi aiempaa tietoa permakulttuurisuunnittelusta.
Ilmoittautuminen tästä
Kurssin kesto ja paikka:
26-27-28 maaliskuuta 2021; Klo 16.30-20.30 kaikkina kolmena päivänä, verkossa.
Kurssikielenä on Englanti.
175 eur (sis alv)*
* sisältää sertifikointi