Children in Permaculture International conference
….The second Children in Permaculture International conference will take place in Cecil Sharp House, London on July 8th 2019, where Gaye Amus will be one of the presenters. This one day conference for school, nursery and kindergarten teachers, Forest School leaders, parents, carers, permaculture educators, policy-makers, Scout Leaders and anyone else interested in the education of children, to find out about best practice in the field of Permaculture Education, Learning for Sustainability and Outdoor Learning. See here for registeration
Toinen Kansainvälinen lapset permakulttuurissa -konferenssi on Lontoossa 8 heinäkuuta 2019. Gaye Amus on pitämässä puheen nimeltä ”Building empathy with nature in young children”, missä hän kertoo luonnon vaikutuksesta lasten sosiaalisiin taitoihin ja empatiakykyyn.