Introduction to Forest Kindergartens — Learning in Nature

Introduction to Forest Kindergartens (stage 1)

This training,which  is the first of the two stages of outdoor education, is a 2 day course. The theory will be presented through presentation, group work  and videos, whilst practical hands on work, will take place outdoors in the forest regardless of weather.


The basic features of  Forest kindergartens will be presented in this course providing theory and practice with the aim of connecting children as well as adults to nature again. It will also show how the outdoors can be an inspiring learning environment which supports physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language development. Gaye Amus has developed this course for participants to get acquainted with forest and nature-based kindergartens based on her first hand experiences. Her aim is to support participants in taking the first step in developing their self-esteem to be able to work in natural environments.

This course is a prerequisite for the second stage which approaches outdoor education in a more comprehensive manner with a 4-day training course given by Gaye Amus. These trainings will be a guide for those who would like to work in forest kindergartens in the future or start one and are supported  by  Dr (fil.lic)  Anders Szczepanski, Assistant Professor of Outdoor Education of Linköping University Sweden. 

 Stage 1 "Introduction to forest kindergartens" course includes the following:

  • Forest as an outdoor learning environment: exploring the richness it provides.

  • Examples from different countries around the world

  • Taking risks and challenges outdoors

  • The role of the adult

  • Documentation

  • Practical activities

  • The importance of children’s interests and needs for different age groups

  • This course is intended for early childhood educators,primary school teachers grade 1,2 and 3, academicians as well 3rd and 4th year students studying in this field.

Max. number of participants: 16